Braided wigs are perfect for those who want a lovely long braided haircut but don’t want to wait until their hair has grown. Owning a wig gives you the perfect flexibility when styling your hair. You can braid it today, let it short naturally tomorrow, and let it straighten or curl tomorrow! Change hairstyles in a second – isn’t that a dream of every girl? Let’s learn about how to braid a wig!
How to braid a wig?
If you have worn a braided wig once, you will not want to say goodbye to it. Owning this accessory helps you have more space to create your hairstyle. You can have braided hair whenever you like without wasting time in a hair salon. You can also remove the braid easily but not do harm to your real hair.
A convenient braided wig
An amazing thing is these braid wigs are often made by hand. Therefore, you can make one for yourself, which not only practises your creativity but also meets your demands. A custom braid wig is more convenient and fitter than the purchase one. So why don’t you learn how to braid a wig to do one for yourself?
Tools use to braid wig
To answer the question how to braid a wig, we first need to know about some tools used in the braiding wig process.
It includes a wig cap; a piece of lace; hair extensions; a mannequin head; spins and sharp scissors; sewing needles and the hair extensions color’s thread; a comb and a hairbrush; hair cream and a lighter.
Tools used to braid wig
When you have prepared all the tools needed to braid a wig, here are the steps and tips to braid your wig.
Tutorial of how to braid a wig
How to braid a wig? – Prepare the hair extensions and your wig cap
In the braiding wig process, first of all, you need to prepare the hair extensions and cut it as you like. Then you put the cap on the head of the mannequin as a necessary size as you want. If your cap is too big, use the thread and needles you have already prepared to fix it.
Prepare hair extension and a wig cap
Make the lace closure for a braided wig
The next step is doing the lace closure for a braided wig. You will cut a piece of lace, put it on your wanted place, use spins to secure it and finally sew it. You need to make sure that the lace piece has been secured tightly. As the braid weigh may be too big for the fragile material to handle. You don’t want your wig to be damaged, right?
Making the braids
To braid a wig, you take a slim part of your hair extension, pass it through the eye of the needle and get it through the cap. After that, pull the end of your hair extension out and hang it out of the wig cap.
Use a needle to braid hair
After creating a base, take a little bit more your hair extension and begin braiding or twisting like doing with your real hair. Then repeating until filling the cap with braids as you want.
In order not to tear and rip the fabric, you should fill the lace closure carefully. You can braid the front smaller to reduce its weight. Moreover, you can do the braids around the thread to fill the closure. The thread will decrease the tension effect on the slim lace and avoid ripping it.
How to braid a wig? – Finish braiding your wig
To finish braiding your wig, you need to trim its end or just simply use a lighter to go through it, it will be faster and easier. When you have done, put your wig in hot water for a while. Then take it out, use a towel to remove moisture and add a shining effect for your wig by applying hair cream on. So you have a beautiful and convenient homemade braided wig!
Trim the wig to finish braiding
Through this article, you have known how to braid a wig. If you have any questions, please contact us via the information below.
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