Nowadays, wigs are loved and used by many young people but not everyone know how to brush a wig on the right way. You can quickly own a hair like that without having to spend time nourishing or styling. Therefore, wig products are constantly improving in both quality and designs to meet the needs of consumers. Wigs are very diverse, however, to keep your wigs always beautiful like new you should pay attention to regular hair care. Here is how to brush a wig simply that you should not ignore.
See more how to wash a wig at your home
Is it essential to comb a wig?
One of the disguised blessings nowadays is wigs, as it can help you change your appearance in a few seconds. You may suppose that wigs are protected from being tangled, however, the truth will surprise you!
All kinds of wig can easily be knotted, tangled and degraded like your natural hair, so your wig also needs to be taken care of and brushed properly. The more you pamper your wig, the longer its longevity lasts.
In order to have a wig fresh as new, you had better keep it clean, wash, comb and store it carefully and in a correct way. Therefore, combing a wig is essential in wig care routine.

Know more about the best caring routine for your wig
How to brush a wig?
How to brush a wig? – Instruction
Both synthetic wig or human hair wig can get tangled easily, therefore, brushing it regularly will help us prevent tangling a wig. Here is how to brush a wig step by step.
Equipment need to brush a wig
To brush a wig, we first need to gather all accessories that need for the brush process. You will need a wide tooth comb, conditioner for the wig, a styrofoam head and a few pins and clips.

Process of brushing a wig
First of all, put your wig on the head you have already prepared. Then, use double pins to stick it on the styrofoam head, spray the wig conditioner onto your wig and split the wig into diverse sections with a wide tooth comb.

Next, use clips to split the sections following your preferred directions and brush each section at a time. This step will consume a lot of your time, so, brush your wig patiently and gently in order not to pull off your hair.
Repeat brushing each section of your wig until complete. You need to ensure that you have separated the brushed hair and the tangled one, brush your wig first and detangle it later.
When you have finished all the sections, take off the clips and let your wig on the head to take a rest. Finally, comb your wig down gently and it will be fresh as a new one.

How to brush a wig? – Notes
We have known that it is essential to brush a wig and learn how to brush a wig, here are some notes on the brushing wig process.
When brushing a wig, do not brush it if it is still wet and just use the combs which are specially designed for wigs. As your hair fibers will be stretched and damaged permanently.
In the brushing process, brush your wig from the bottom to the top so as to untangle the knots and the strands without the risks of damaging or pulling the strands out.

All the above is how to brush a wig step by step and some notes in the combing process. Messi hopes that you can gain much knowledge and it is useful for you. If you have any questions, please contact us via the information below.
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