Do you know how put on a wig properly?
Wearing wigs is getting more and more familiar with people nowadays. Instead of having to dye, curl or straighten your hair, you can just simply put on a wig. There are many different types of wig in the market, which brings you various options to choose. However, “How to put on a wig properly?” is still a big question at first time wearing wigs. Therefore, Messi Hair provides you with a quick simple guidance for the best of your experience of wearing wigs. Please read the below article and figure out yourself how to put on a wig in the correct way.
How to put on a wig
1. What needs to be prepared before wearing a wig?
If you have really short hair, just simply brush the hair away from your face. Then, gently pin it in place towards the back of your head. You may use some hairspray to prevent your hair from moving away from the position. However, you must make sure that no hairspray reaches the wig you are going to use.
In case you have long hair which needs to be concealed, tie your hair tight into two French plaits. Remember to tie them against your scalp, then, cross them over just above your nape. Lastly, secure the plaits at the top and bottom with clips or kirby grips.
Wig cap is a necessary accessory in the process of wearing wigs. Wig caps can help you keep your wig in place and secure on your head. Moreover, they can protect your natural hair and scalp from potential damages while wearing wigs. If you have not had any wig caps, read the article: “(DIY) How to create yourself a new beautiful wig cap?” from Messi Hair.
So, how to put on a wig cap correctly? Place the prepared wig cap on your natural hairline, then, stretch it over to the back of your head. All that remains to do is tuck away any stray hair into the wig cap and secure everything with clips or kirby grips.
2. How to put on a wig properly?
Wearing wigs is an easy and simple way to change or enhance your appearance. Wigs are no longer used for only costume parties, they can be a part of your daily life nowadays. Compared to other styling treatments, using wigs is more effective and, of course, it is a cheaper method. Moreover, wigs are much less intrusive to your natural hair, which can help you deal with the hair loss problem more effectively. Now, it’s time to reveal the answer for: “How to put on a wig properly?”.
Step 1: With both of your hands, unwrap your wig and hold it up in front of your eyes. Make sure that you put it in the right direction where the label of the wig is at the back.
Step 2: Put the wig on by tilting your head forward first. Place the front of the wig exactly on your front hairline, then, slide the wig on from here.
Step 3: This step is for any adjustments you want to make. Slightly adjust the wig until it sits properly on your natural hairline, also, until you feel comfortable.
Step 4: In order to make sure that the wig is kept in place, you can secure it firmly with wig clips or wig tape.
With only a simple process, you are now able to debut your new pretty hair look.
If you get bored with your daily appearance, you can refresh it sometimes with a lovely wig. We – Messi Hair, provides you with a wide choice of different wig types, which promises to meet every single part of your needs.
For more information and useful tips related to wigs or how to put on a wig, please reach us at: